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Exam Free Essays

Which methods would you use to conduct a study? Be specific. Compare (qualitative) ethnographic interviews with (quantitative) survey research. Be aware of research ethics. We will write a custom essay sample on Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now What is informed consent? What does the American Anthropological Association recommend regarding ethics (read about this in Cotta)? What practical problems can emerge during research? Examples include housing, personal safety, language, and access to research subjects. Contemplate this for your proposal. Recognize the major theoretical trends and how each trend approaches analyzing data. If I provide a description of a study, you should be able to determine which trend the author(s) used to help Interpret their data. (Understand how these trends helped formulate Ideas about culture. ) What Is a â€Å"reflexive† or â€Å"postmodern† ethnography (see Cotta, p. 4749, and Small)? For Smalls Voyages: From Tong Villages to American Suburbs, lectures and video clips: How did Cathy Smalls subject position affect her relationships with Tongs and the results of her research? What kinds of research techniques did she use? What dilemmas did she face? What was daily life like in Tong in the asses? Housing conditions? Daily activities of men and women? What changes had already taken place in tap and mat making, uses of cash? What changes had taken place in ‘Lounge and tap and mat making by the asses and then by 2010? What was Tong’s social structure O. E. , social divisions among people) before Europeans arrived? What were some major changes Introduced during and after contact with Europeans? How id the social structure, land tenure and politics change from the asses to asses to 2010? Why were Tong people migrating to the U. S. , Australia and New Zealand? How did life and their social status change? What was their life like in the U. S.? What kinds of Jobs did they have? How did they feel about all of this? Compare the experiences and views of Seta and Mann, their daughters, Mali and Tat, Paul/ Emma, and Final. What did being Tong mean to each of them? How did Seta and Mann help other relatives? How did Tong migrants try to maintain the â€Å"Tong ay†? How did migration and remittances affect life and politics in Tong? In particular, how did migration and remittances affect family and religious celebrations? How did migration affect the migrant’s social status (in the U. S. And In Tong)? Make sure you understand the following about Tong culture: organization of families (multiple generations In one household, children being adopted or moving between households, lots of visiting and long-term stays by relatives, separation of brothers and sisters after puberty, roles of eldest sister and eldest brother, and How to cite Exam, Papers Exam Free Essays They are already living in an expensive environment cause by the inflation. Are they also have o pay extra tex for the weste levy? Which Is very unfair to the poor families pay for the levy. Besides the SMEs are also affected by waste levy, especially those in the catering industry. We will write a custom essay sample on Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of the investigations, found out that about one-third of the disposal Is the food waste, so the catering Industry has to bear the brunt of waste levy. To those small restaurants, waste levy is increased their economic burden, and they will probably turn this tex burden to d third party, so they may Increase the price ot their tood. As a result, the citizens and customers will take up the additional ost of levy for the restaurants, so it doesn’t help the Hong Kong econornic as well. Beside the problems to the SMEs and domestic families, the efficiency of waste levy is judging by the people, some of the people think this levy Is useless and wasting money. About the waste levy, there are two wap to implement this levy, one is the equal-share system. and one is collected individually on household basis. The equal- share system which means the levy Is charged by building, the levy Is shared between the residents. And this system may cause some unfair situations because of the residents have different amount of disposal. BLit f the levy Is based on household inefficient, besides there are many unsolved problems, for examples, should the levy be charged by volume or by weight of the waste? How to cite Exam, Papers Exam Free Essays Himachal Pradesh University Journal, July 2011 Automated Integrated University Examination System Mohini Bhardwaj*1 Amar Jeet Singh** INTRODUCTION Information   and   Communication   Technology   (ICT)   has   become   a   valuable,   decisive   and   critical   resource   for   individuals,   communities,   enterprises   and   organisations. ICT   has   reached   at   every   door   step,   but   its   protenctial  has  not  been  fully  utilised. ICT  is  a  very  helpful  tool  for  providing  good  governance  by  bringing   a   sea? hange   in   the   working   of   organisations   and   institutions. We will write a custom essay sample on Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most   of   the   developing   countries   now   understand  the  importance  of  ICT  and  have  been  adopting  it  as  a  basic  tool  for  good  governance. The  new   ICT   mediated   good   governance   is   also   called   e? governance. In   most   of   the   government   run   Indian   Universities,   examination   system   is   managed   manually. The   manual   examination   system   is   facing   many   problems   such   as   not   declaring   examination   results   in   time   and   accurately. ICT   is   an   effective   tool   for   integrating  and  automating   various  activities  of  examination  system  at  different  administrative  levels  to   bring  reliable,  efficient,  scalable,  transparent  and  robust  e? governance  solutions. NEED OF ICT IN EXAMINATION SYSTEM In   Indian   higher   education   system,   there   has   been   many   fold   increase   in   its   institutional   capacity   since   independence. As  per  University  Grants  Commission  (2008)  report  titled  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Higher  Education  in  India? Issues   related  to  expansion,  inclusiveness,  quality  and  finance†,  the  number  of  universities  in  India  has  increased   from   20   in   1950   to   about   431   in   2008,   colleges   from   500   in   1950   to   20,677   in   2008   and   enrolment   of   students   has   increased   from   mere   100,000   in   1950   to   11,612,000   in   2008. The   Gross   Enrolment   Ratio   (GER)  i. e. which  is  a  ratio  of   persons  enrolled  in  higher  education  institutions  to  total  population  of  the   persons  in  age  group  of  18  to  23,  rose  from  0. 7%  in  1950  to  about  11%  in  2007   Still  the  fact  remains  that   the  GER  in  India  is  quite  low  compared  to  that  of  the  developed  countries  and  world  average  ha ving  GERs   54. 6   %   and   23. 2%   respectively. Indian   government   aims   to   bring   GER   to   15   %   by   2012. India’s   higher   education  system  is  the  third  largest  in  the  world  next  to  China  and  United  States. Student  enrolment  at   university  level  and  at  collegiate  level  is  increasing  manifold. The  management  of  examination  data  of  the *Research  Scholar,  Department  of  Computer  Science,  H. P. University,  Shimla   **Associate  Professor,  Department  of  Computer  Science,  H. P. University,  Shimla 1 Himachal Pradesh University Journal, July 2011 large   number   of   students   is   a   very   tiresome   and   a   complex   job   involving   different   types   of   data   by   different  administrative  line   branches. According   to   Sofield   (2000),   many  developing   countries  have   not   taken  up  ICT  to  the  fullest  possible  extent  as  a  means  of  reaching  increased  socio? economic  development. Educational   institutions   are   also   increasingly   recognizing   the   importance   of   ICT   in   education   and   examination  reforms. ICT,  as  an  assortment  of  new  computing  and  communication  artifacts,  is  a  rapidly  advancing  technology. ICT  has  provided  means  for  faster  and  better  communication,  efficient  storage,  retrieval  and  processing  of   data   and   exchange   and   utilization   of   information   to   its   users,   be   they   individuals,   groups,   businesses,   organizations  or  governments. ICT  has  the  potential  to  provide  better  services  to  the  citizens,  interaction   with  business  enterprises  and  communication  and  exchange  of  information  between  different  agencies  of   the  government  in  a  speedy,  convenient,  efficient  and  transparent  manner. If  optimum  potential  of  ICT  is utilised,  it  can  definitely  increase  efficiency  and  effectiveness  of  the  system. The  cases  of  Indian  railway   computerization  and  online  banking  are  the  candidate  examples  demonstrating  the  benefits  of  ICT. Thus,   ICT  has  become  indispensable  and  an  effective  tool  of  growth  in  any  society. The  nature  of  technology  is   that   everything   becomes   almost   transparent   once   it   is   ingrained   in   everyday   life. In   his   2004   Independence   Day   speech,   Dr. A. P. J. Abdul   Kalam,   the   then   President   of   India,   said   that   â€Å"there   is   a   demand  for  a  more  transparent  and  reliable  system  of  examination,  evaluation  and  reporting†. EXAMINATION SYSTEM IN INDIAN UNIVERSITIES Examination  occupies  a  very  significant  place  in  a  university  system. Examination  is  an  instrument  to  test   what   the   student   has   learned   and   retained   in   his   mind   during   course   of   study. University   examinations   have  stimulating  effect  on  both  students  and  teachers. To  the  Student,  it  gives  a  goal  toward  which  he  is   directed  and  impels  him  to  attain  that  goal  with  in  specified  period  of  time. Examination  may  be  used  as  a   means   to   organize   and   integrate   knowledge,   it   encourages   student   to   go   through   various   books   and   integrate  ideas  to  respond  to  a  given  problem. For  a  teacher  too,  examination  gives  a  stimulus  and  goal   orientation  to  his  work. In  a  nutshell,  we  may  say  that  examinations  are  inevitable,  without  examination   the  work  of  students  and  teachers  will  neither  have  precision  and  any  direction. Examination  is  always  an   effective  instrument  to  evaluate  the  quality  and  quantity  of  knowledge  or  say  learning  in  a  specific  field   Mishra  (1988). University  examinations  are  conducted  for  each  stage  at  the  end  of  the  academic  session. There  is  hardly  any  month  for  which  there  is  no  exam. Examinations  continue  for  months  causing  physical   and   mental   stress   both   for   students   as   well   as   for   university   administration. Declaration   of   results   also   takes  very  long  time  owing  to  which  students  remain  ideal  for  months  together. Moreover,  the  dates  of   examinations   and   those   of   declaration   of How to cite Exam, Essay examples Exam Free Essays

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